Terms of Service
This site is operated by Sundaetheblacklab, and through Wix.com. Any use of the words "we" "our" or "us" throughout these terms is referring to Sundaetheblacklab. Read these terms before using our website. By using our site you agree to our terms. You must be at least 18 years of age or be under the supervision of a parent or legal guardian to make purchases. Sundaetheblacklab is not responsible for unauthorized purchases made by a minor. Unauthorized purchases made by a minor are not considered fraudulent, and we will not make an exception on our return policy (store credit or replacement, no refunds).
We reserve the right to deny/cancel/refuse orders placed by customers due to the following:
-An irregular or excessive returns history indicative of “wardrobing;”
- An irregular or excessive returns history involving worn, altered, laundered, damaged, or missing items; or,
- Potential fraudulent or criminal activity.
The items sold on sundaetheblacklab.com are original, and created by the owner of Sundaetheblacklab. These items are being sold for the enjoyment of her followers/fans, and consumers are by no means allowed the right to resell/bulk buy for the purpose of reselling. If there are any suspicions of reselling, the order will be cancelled. By purchasing from us, you agree to not resell the items on sundaetheblacklab.com for gain/profit/business.
Please note orders may be cancelled due to a high item quantity. In the event your order is cancelled, an email explaining the reason will be sent.
Our shipping is handled by a print on demand company, and the items in our store are not on hand. Please allow 7-14 days/(5-10 business days) for your items to be received. A tracking number will be made available a few days after the order is processed, and will be made available to you via email. We do not guarantee the condition your order will be received in due to human error, if they're any issues with your order please contact sundaetheblacklab@gmail.com within 3 days of the tracking stating delivered with photos of the item.
Explained in our Privacy Policy, and above- our website is operated through Wix.com. Your information (name, email address, physical address, order history) is used for the purpose to fulfill your orders through our printing and shipping company, and for myself the owner of Sundaetheblacklab to send additional gifts. Wix.com provides us with the online platform that allows us to sell our products and services to you. Your data may be stored through Wix.com’s data storage, databases and the general Wix.com applications. They store your data on secure servers behind a firewall.
We ask that when/if submitting the contact form on our site you do not use inappropriate/obscene/offensive language or terms, and if your message fails to comply with these terms, please note you will not get a response.
We try to as accurately as possible display the likeness/color of the items on our site. By purchasing from our site, you agree to allow some room for minor color differences due to the the method of display (electronic screen vs paper).
Items may be removed without notice, and prices may also fluctuate without notice. A purchase may be made for a certain price, and a few days later the price may change. If an item is bought at regular price, and the same item goes on sale shortly after- a refund for the difference will not be honored.
The tracking number will be made available to you (customer) when the printing and shipping company provides us with the tracking number. Once provided with the tracking number, if there's no transit movement on the tracking after 10 business days, email sundaetheblacklab with your information for your choice of a refund or replacement.
These are our terms, and by being on this site you accept these terms. Effective August 8, 2021.